Don't Make These 4 Social Security Mistakes
If you cannot work at your job, you may be fortunate enough to be qualified for Social Security benefits. As long you can show that you have a medical condition that keeps you from working, you will get approved. The application process, however, is far from quick and easy. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has so many rules and regulations that it could easily confuse you or cause you to make a mistake; both when applying and later on when you are approved. Read on to learn about some common issues and how to avoid them.
Exaggerating Your Symptoms: There are few things more important in the determination of your ability to get benefits than that of your medical proof. You must show that you have a medical condition and that you have suffered from it for a certain length of time. You should, however, resist the urge to make more of your condition than there is. In some cases, the SSA will require you to submit medical records to prove your disability. Additionally, you may be asked to undergo a medical examination by a SSA contracted doctor to determine your level of disability.
Fudge On The Date of Your Disability: Since it takes so long to get approved for benefits, the SSA deals with the gap in income by providing applicants with something called back pay. This is a lump sum payment once you are approved, with the date going back to the time that you claimed you became too disabled to work. The longer it has been, the higher your back pay. If you are not accurate with your dates, you could find yourself in trouble with the SSA once they verify the facts with your most recent employer and the IRS. Be careful, fudging the date on this is not worth the problems it could cause.
You Borrow a Number: The SSA bars those who have been convicted of certain crimes and those with felony warrants from receiving benefits. If you have already been convicted of fraud when applying for any type of government assistance, you may has well not apply at all. You will only add to your troubles if you try to use another person's Social Security number to apply, however.
You Misstate Your Income: Social Security places limits on how much you can earn; your income is checked both when you apply and on a continuing basis thereafter. Any amount you get, even if it's less than the allowed amount, must be reported to the SSA. Don't use self-employment or getting paid "under the table" to give yourself an illegal boost in income.
For more information, contact a place like Law Center For Social Security Rights.