
Choosing The Perfect Counsel

What You Need To Know About Winning An Auto Accident Case

If you've recently suffered physically and mentally from a car accident, and it wasn't your fault, your first response is likely that the person who caused the accident should pay. The initial step is seeking out a reputable car accident attorney to help evaluate your situation and help you win your case. Here are just a few questions your auto accident lawyer will ask you and discuss as he begins to build a case against the other party involved.  

Was The Accident In No Way Your Fault?

The way to win a lawsuit is to start at the beginning. You'll need to prove your case in court so that the judge will award you a default judgment in order to seek punitive damages or money from the defendant in the case. Hiring a good auto accident attorney will help establish your complaint with the court, One of the main things your lawyer will have to prove is that you were in no way responsible for the crash. The goal for your lawyer will be to present enough evidence to find the defendant guilty and liable for your injuries and damages.  

How Has The Accident Affected Your Life Financially?

Your lawyer will mention in court, all of the financial difficulties that you've experienced since the accident. This may include:

  • Loss of your home, vehicle, and other assets due to insufficient funds to meet your financial obligations
  • Loss of job due to permanent disability or current inability to work
  • Change in marital status resulting in mental anguish and financial burden since the accident

All of these considerations will have to be proved by doctors and other professionals in order to help build and present the best case in front of the judge. Your attorney may also talk to you about accepting a settlement agreement or award from the defendant, in the event they wish to settle out of court.

Were Your Injuries Permanent?

If your injuries are life threatening or have permanently altered your daily living, you'll have a better chance at winning a cash settlement or annuity. Your lawyer will put together a presentation with help from:

  • Eyewitnesses to the accident
  • Prior and current medical records
  • Health opinions from a medical doctor or surgeon

All of these considerations will help determine a dollar amount to seek that you'll wish to receive from the judgment.

Is It An Insurance Issue?

In most accident cases, the insurance companies of both parties involved in the accident will be a part of the court case. If you didn't have auto insurance at the time of the accident, the judge could hold you responsible for some of the bills and possible court fees. There may also be a period of negotiation between both parties' auto and personal health insurance companies. This is something your auto accident lawyer will deal with directly.

It's disheartening that both physical and mental limitations have affected your personal and professional life due to an auto accident. Call our law office today, to help arrange a meeting to discuss your current needs and help you get the compensation you deserve. Click to read more about how an auto accident attorney can help you.

About Me

Choosing The Perfect Counsel

If you have ever been accused of a crime, then you know the absolute sinking feeling in your gut. It can be incredibly devastating to cope with the thought of living the rest of your life behind bars, which is why choosing the perfect counsel is crucial. I started thinking about who to work with a few years ago when I was accused of something that I knew I didn't do, and it was scary. However, I knew that by focusing on my innocence and finding the right professional, things would be manageable. Check out this blog for great information on choosing counsel.


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