6 Things You Can Expect To Be Discussed At Your Initial Consultation With A Personal Injury Attorney
If you have been injured in an accident, you may have already scheduled a consultation with a personal injury attorney. Still, you may not know what to expect during the consultation. Here are a few things that you can expect the lawyer to discuss during your initial meeting:
What happened?
The lawyer will give you an opportunity to discuss what happened to cause your injuries. He or she will be listening for indications of negligence that surrounded the circumstances involved.
Do you have insurance coverage?
The attorney will want to know more about the amount and types of insurance coverage that you have. This can help the lawyer determine who is responsible for the payment of your injury-related expenses.
In some instances, if your insurance company pays for a claim for which a negligent party eventually reimburses you, you are responsible for repaying your insurer.
Sign a medical release form.
In order to determine the extent of your damages and to verify the types of injuries that you have sustained, your attorney may need to review your medical records. However, for your records to be released to the attorney, he or she will need your written permission.
Who have you spoken to?
The attorney may also ask about any written or verbal statements that you have provided to insurance adjusters or others. Certain statements, such as the admission of fault or indications that you were not injured, could jeopardize your case.
Are you still in pain?
The attorney may suggest that you see a particular doctor or go back to your own physician if there is persistent discomfort. If you do not receive prompt treatment for accident-related pain, the defendant may suggest that your injuries are not serious or that they are not accident-related.
Are you ready to sign a contract or agreement for the attorney to represent you legally?
If the attorney agrees to represent you in your personal injury case, he or she may present you with a retainer contract. The contract should indicate the amount of reimbursement that will be paid to the personal injury attorney for his or her services. Many personal injury attorneys work for contingency pay, which means that they agree to accept a percentage of the awarded settlement as payment for their legal services.
If you have been injured in an accident and someone else was at fault, schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney in your area. Check out the site for more information.