
Choosing The Perfect Counsel

3 Tips For The Executor Of An Estate

If you have been named the executor of the estate of a family member or loved one, it shows that the person trusted you and respects your judgement. But if you have never been the executor of an estate, you may not understand all of the responsibilities that you will have when the time comes to settle the estate. The death of a family member or loved one is always hard to deal with, but as an executor there are several things that you will have to do in the days, weeks, and months after a person passes away. Use the following tips to make your role as executor go smoothly:

Get the Death Certificate

After the funeral is over, you will have much to do as the executor of an estate. One of the first things to start with is getting the death certificate of the deceased. You can typically obtain the death certificate from the funeral home. You may need to ask for several copies of the death certificate, as you will most likely need it when notifying the Social Security Administration, the life insurance company, and when filing a final tax return. It is a good idea to request several more copies than you think that you need, so you don't have to request additional certified copies in the future if a financial or government institution asks for a copy.

Find Estate Planning Documents

When you were named executor, your family member or loved one most likely told you where you could find estate planning documents in the event of his or her death. The most common estate planning documents are either a will or a trust. If your family member has a will, you will need to file it in probate court as soon as possible; the estate will have to go through probate court before any of the assets can be distributed.

Hire a Probate Lawyer

The probate process can be time-consuming and confusing. There are often a number of legal forms that need to be filled out, and if you have never dealt with probate before, you may not know what to do to ensure that the estate goes through probate without issue. When probate court is involved, it is in your best interest, as well as that of the estate, to hire an experienced probate lawyer to assist you in the process. When you hire a probate lawyer like David R Webb Attorney, there is a decreased chance of probate being delayed, and you will not have to worry about whether or not you submitted the right documents and forms.

About Me

Choosing The Perfect Counsel

If you have ever been accused of a crime, then you know the absolute sinking feeling in your gut. It can be incredibly devastating to cope with the thought of living the rest of your life behind bars, which is why choosing the perfect counsel is crucial. I started thinking about who to work with a few years ago when I was accused of something that I knew I didn't do, and it was scary. However, I knew that by focusing on my innocence and finding the right professional, things would be manageable. Check out this blog for great information on choosing counsel.


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