
Choosing The Perfect Counsel

3 Signs You Need To Hire A Car Accident Attorney

If you have recently been involved in a car accident, you should be able to receive the financial compensation you deserve for your vehicle and for your medical care by working with your insurance company. However, sometimes things to do not work out as you would expect them to. Here are three signs you need to hire an attorney to assist you.

#1: Your Insurance Company Is Refusing To Pay Your Medical Bills

If your insurance company has come up with some reasons not to pay your medical bills, and you have the right coverage, you need to call an attorney. As long as you have been paying your bills on time and have the appropriate level of coverage, your insurance company should not refuse to pay your bills. Something fishy is going on that you may need legal help to figure out.

#2: Your Medical Bills Exceed The Limits Of Your Insurance Company

Sometimes, your insurance is just not enough to cover everything that you need done. If your medical care is close to exceeding the limit set by your auto insurance agency or has already exceeded your coverage limit, you may need to pursue legal action against the responsible driver.

An attorney can help you prepare and pursue a lawsuit against the responsible driver and their insurance company, so you can get the medical care you need in the mean time. Your attorney can also help you draft a letter of protection, so you can still get the care you need while deferring payment of your medical bills until you have reached a settlement. 

#3: The Other Driver's Insurance Company Is Playing Hard Ball

If the driver of the other vehicle was found to be at fault for the accident, but their insurance company is putting you through the ringer, you may need to contact an attorney. Often times, once you have your attorney contact the other driver's insurance company, they will stop messing around and offer you a settlement. However, if they were extremely difficult to work with, they may low-ball you on their initial settlement offer. Your attorney can help you determine if the settlement offer they give you is fair. If the settlement offer is not fair, your attorney can help you negotiate until fair conditions are met. 

If your medical bills exceed your insurance coverage, or if the other driver's insurance company is proving difficult to work with, you may need to hire an auto accident lawyer to represent you. 

About Me

Choosing The Perfect Counsel

If you have ever been accused of a crime, then you know the absolute sinking feeling in your gut. It can be incredibly devastating to cope with the thought of living the rest of your life behind bars, which is why choosing the perfect counsel is crucial. I started thinking about who to work with a few years ago when I was accused of something that I knew I didn't do, and it was scary. However, I knew that by focusing on my innocence and finding the right professional, things would be manageable. Check out this blog for great information on choosing counsel.


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